Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 9/10/2010 10:58:23 PM
Subject: RE: i am the champion of women...

Me: hey baby 4:28 PM

Me: comon and talk to me babe dont be like that 4:32 PM

Me: babe? 4:35 PM

Me: i want to hold you in my arms again 4:37 PM

Me: you were my first and true love 4:38 PM

ok: Ugh. U were my first... 5:17 PM

Me: yes deer 6:30 PM

Me: i remember that hint of blood on my boxers. it was like the finest red wine 6:31 PM

ok: No nt that first time. My first love u were not my first. We've gone over that like literally a million times by now 6:33 PM

Me: oh, how i wish to drink the inside of you once more 6:34 PM

Me: ya, usually 14 year old girls lie about their sexual experience, especially to older boys. forgive me for not trusting you. but i would do the same 6:35 PM

ok: Y r u bein sucha creeper 6:37 PM

ok: Ya well I was 15 and no I didn't lie abt it. I've told u that I wasn't a virgin literally for the last 10 yrs sooo yeah. 6:40 PM

Me: i want to be with you 6:43 PM

Me: what would it take for you to just dump everything and come be with me? 6:47 PM

ok: Umm..sorry? 6:54 PM

Me: haha... so whats up? wtf are you doing, merrile? 6:54 PM

ok: I'm workin. U 6:55 PM

Me: ya, i am sorry for ever losing you now that i look back on it. i did truly, truly love you. which never ever goes away babe. 6:57 PM

ok: Thanks. I loved u does go away tho lol 6:58 PM

Me: hummm, either you are lying to yourself or you fail the grasp the concept of true love. true love never goes away. ever. it has nothing to do with the type of person you are and your ability of "letting go" 7:04 PM

Me: so let me ask you this... did you TRULY love me? please think hard and try to remember... did you truly love me gaile? 7:05 PM

ok: I don't think it was true love at all. Not since the whole deal was completely over. But at that time I thought it was. U thinking it was is ur opinion 7:09 PM

ok: I truly loved the shit outta u more than n e thing in the world at that time yes absolutely 7:09 PM

Me: fuck man, how do you do it? i just cant let a person i really loved go. i cant let the sweet sweet memory of you fade away. you have a piece of my i shared with you. and i want it back please. im sorry about letting you go and the way i made you feel. i am very very sorry. if i could have you back again i would take you and love you for all eternity. even in the afterlife. 7:19 PM

Me: you have a piece of my soul i gave to you... what the FUCK have you been doing with it all this time? SHIT 7:21 PM

ok: Umm...that's what ppl do. They get into a relationship whether it. Their first 4th last or ne thing in between. Shit happens and they move on and usually 7:31 PM

ok: end up friends w the person. Ur the only ex I haven't even been able to b friends w tho I've tried...its been 10 years dude u srsly gotta b fuckin w me 7:31 PM

ok: w ths shit 7:31 PM

Me: oh comon, its not like you havent made some "life choices" a person who truly cared about you would disagree with. which would defiantly anger the person who cared about you... 7:35 PM

Me: so for me, its hard being just friends with you. 7:35 PM

ok: Um sure. I've also been accused of making life choices I've never made or of past ones I do not continue to make and haven't in a long ass time just cuz 7:38 PM

ok: u don't and haven't ever trusted n e thing I say only what u think so that makes it impossible to b friends w u. At least that's one of the main reasons 7:38 PM

Me: and besides, "friends" is a disrespectful position. i hold our past bond with more honor than that. it cheapens the whole thing. 7:39 PM

ok: Plenty of things cheapened what we had a friend position is the highest position what we had could possily acheieve at this point. IF it cn even b achiev 7:41 PM

ok: ed at all. 7:41 PM

Me: you never were a stripper? you never degraded that little white freckely beautiful princess body of yours to fucking trash... ya gee. that dont make me mad... again, these are things that would anger the ones who love you 7:43 PM

ok: Or those r things that soeone would love me would understand if they valued my word and reasons and how I felt abt it and y I did it and they would also 7:47 PM

ok: realize that it had no effect on my friendship or ne thing like that w them or n e thing at all yea. I stripped 5 yrs ago to pay for my car since 2 jobs 7:48 PM

ok: as many hrs as poss wouldn't cut it and I don't think dancing naked is degrading at all so as far as that one goes its oince again ur opinion and u nt ta 7:48 PM

ok: king into account n e thing I say or feel yet u care so much or a bridge dude srsly. 7:48 PM

Me: no, thats BS and you know it. i would never accept something like that god damn it. never in a million years. it was wrong and you know it. have you no morals? 7:54 PM

Me: again... seeing you do something like that hurts me. hurt and anger 7:56 PM

ok: Build a bridge dude. This is y we cnt b friends and y I detest talkin to u. Ur innability to move on move forward and nt dwell on things that r nt near r 8:02 PM

ok: elevent n e mre no matter what either of us think abt em. I mean seriously. U only talk abt shit that happened yeeeeeeeears ago and then use it as a jump 8:02 PM

ok: ing off point to start the same fuckin arguements that have ben goin on since those issues were actualy issues. 8:02 PM

Me: im not arguing with you. just explaining why i refuse to be your friend. 8:03 PM

Me: anyways im not going to lie to you... i love you and i always have. always will babe. 8:09 PM

ok: K. Thank u 8:10 PM

ok: And I'm explaining y I refuse to b urs. 8:10 PM

Me: i am sorry you feel that way, i really am. 8:14 PM

ok: Welp. It could b overcome on ur part but I rly dnt care either way to b honest w u 8:15 PM

ok: Sooo just to verify-u rfuse to b friends w me cuz I used to strip half a decade ago or because I dnt love u n e mre and won't b w u? 8:17 PM

Me: wanting to be your friend would be a lie, when i want much much more. 8:27 PM

ok: Welp u cnt have ne thing mre than that when u have smeone that refuses to be a friend first. Soo..!ye then? 8:31 PM

Me: im just saying it would be hard for me. but if thats what you want, i would have to abide. i would have to do anything for you. 8:35 PM

ok: Well as I said I rly don't care either way and don't have a shred of hope in u bein able to change the things that always mak friendship impossible seein 8:37 PM

ok: g as that's been the same issue after all this time. I'm open to bein proved wrong but yea I rly couldn't care less so its up to u. 8:37 PM

Me: time eventually changes things babe. even the most hard headed XD 8:41 PM

ok: Ud thnk so...usually doesn't take this long 8:42 PM

Me: i will always keep you in mind... dude people are totally waiting on me right now... have been for a while. i really need to get off my comp and heat out into the night. 8:42 PM

Me: i have never forgotten about you... ttyl xoxxxoxo 8:43 PM

ok: K. I thought u were on ur phne. 8:43 PM

ok: K. 8:43 PM

Me: *head out into the night... not heat, lol....ok see ya. 8:43 PM

ok: Ya I gotcha. 8:44 PM