Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 9/23/2010 11:25:27 PM
Subject: gothic 4 demo

so its like gothic 3, but only more casual. so retards should enjoy it a lot better. they basically ruined the gothic series.

but heres the good news. its still a good game. just dont think of it as a gothic title, even thoe it is. its like a completely different game, in a good way. they basically fixed everything wrong with gothic 3 but took out the things that made it good. i know, its weird. the combat is... not shitty. the monsters have alot of character. the entire game is more of a streamlined action experience. they got rid of the whole non linear thing. most of the game is basically just a guided path. they also added a quest marker (i know, gay). but there is still a special touch to the game. its just....... different.

the beginning of the game is laughably hilarious in a lame way. but once you get to the cave where you learn magic, it opens up as a worthy RPG experience.

my verdict:
it shouldn't be called gothic.
8/10 - as its own title