Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 9/23/2010 11:34:00 PM
Subject: RE: gothic 4 demo

i for one, welcome spellbound with open arms to the CRPG world after playing the demo. i was hesitant and in wonder to the type of faggotry they would bring to the table, but it turns out to be not that bad.

i look at this as a crude title from a budding development team. perhaps future titles may grow in excellence. sort of the "the witcher" effect. i highly doubt the witcher 2 is going to suck. virtually everything about that game looks a million times better. what a huge difference.

gentlemen, we are at an age of PC gaming where america is so far up its ass with sales and corporate BS that its going to take rouge nations to come out of the woodwork and unfuck gaming. its such proper timing that eurotards are finally managing to get their shit together and learning how to make fucking games...

poland + 1 (for the witcher 2)
germany + 3 (for gothic, risen and crysis)