Author: johnny  <1341> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 10/16/2010 8:58:25 AM
Subject: RE: Left 4 Dead 2

I had a hilarious versus moment last night on No Mercy, just after you exit the apartment building. A teammate set fire to the witch and then started screaming for us to kill it as it chased him back into the building. He'd close every door behind him as she would rip it down in one swipe while we all chased behind her firing bullets into her back. Just as she finally closed in on him he ended her with a blast to the face. The whole scene was in desperate need of Benny Hill's Yakety Sax theme.

And who is Jesus II again? I joined a lobby with him and almost everybody left. Most have been a game that just let out. BTW I don't know why but I'm actually enjoying The Sacrifice on Versus even though it's the same truncated piece of crap DLC as The Passing.