Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 12/3/2010 6:55:27 PM
Subject: RE: Simmery

Actually, BF may be on to something. Do you remember my mentioning those youtube videos of people playing L4D with a 7100xxxx? Anyway, if you have the 7600GT, see what it does. Maybe you'll like it.

If you want something new(er), a Radeon HD 5770 is very popular and averages about $150, but you may need a bigger power supply, and if you're going to spend $150 and get a bigger power supply (at least a good quality 500w), you might as well spend an extra $50 and get an HD 6850.

If you don't have magnesium wheels for your car, you should get some of those as well.

The HD 5670 is not a bad card for L4D/2 middling settings. You can get it for under $100. It's not a true gaming card, but I imagine it trounces a 7100.