Author: Jaime Wolf  <q2b6> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 1/11/2011 8:03:51 PM
Subject: RE: You know what?

Not from any forums but I used to frequent a Jedi Knight 2 server way back in the day, with time everyone eventually grew to know each other and for a variety of reason I ended up having to administer the server itself. I met up with one of the people I was closest with when I went on a trip to LA.

It was a strange feeling, the intertubes gives you this nice wall between you and the people you know, you can say things to each other that you wouldn't dream of saying otherwise, this is especially true when it's a guy and a girl you're dealing with. Now even though we had known each other for a long ass time from playing JK2 together the first time we spoke in real life started out hilariously awkward. We actually had to start chatting about the game and all the stupid shit we would get into when pissing off the saber only folks to break the ice a bit.