Author: johnny-g  <sdgdsgs> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 1/25/2009 6:34:48 PM
Subject: RE: fear2 demo continued.

Though, it is cute how faggot like you are over the game like it's the best thing to ever come out. I'll bet you screamed like a little girl when Alma popped out of the corner of the screen, thinking it was insanely original.

I give FEAR 2 plenty of credit. It does a fantastic job of being creepy. However, it's still the same old vanilla FPS at its core. The psychic enemies are cool, but all the same old bullshit assault rifle totting soldiers have little to no thought put into them. And the slo-mo thing was barely cool even when it first came out. Why this is still being implemented into games is beyond me. FEAR 2 looks to be a good game so far... but it's not this masterpiece you make it out to be. I've never seen anyone with such a big boner over scripted ghosts flashing in front of the screen every 5 minutes. You probably think The Ring, or The Grudge is the best horror movie ever.