Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 7/4/2011 10:38:20 AM
Subject: working with macs...

the closest thing i can relate working with a mac to is working with a retarded child. as inane as that might sound, it is a very accurate description and the absolute truth.

at times i caught myself talking to it in that special tone of voice, i even once tried to feed it pudding. i felt as if i were its motorcycle driving, hunky rebellious appointed guardian with a soft spot for children. whenever i want the mac to do something i have to sit down and make eye contact. sometimes it will do what i ask of it, sometimes it shows amazing comprehension ability, but other times it just screams and shits itself and we're asked to leave mcdonalds.