Author: NecroFag  <peen@ss> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 12/7/2011 1:06:27 PM
Subject: RE: _)_)===D

lets talk theoretical physics and why its so wrong. and use this as an example of why society fails and our technological progression into the future is so damn slow (because of idiots like you)

people simply cannot think for themselves. outside the box. the short answer is because to fear. fear related to discovery and exploration. stepping into the true unknown. people like to harbor this security blanket and it propagates through social interaction. blissful ignorance.

lets talk antimatter and gravity. these are the two most prominent ass backward theoretical nonsense thats stood out for me, that science has completely failed at, in a PROFESSIONAL WORKINGS PLACES environment. the shit they have come out with is disgraceful. its like fucking retarded 2 year old child reasoning.

science: nurrrr everything must be particles. including antimatter. instead of thinking for outselfvs we must apply super complex math bullshit (lol its just a bunch of paid douches flexing their e-peen at eachother, not accomplishing shit - and the math aint even really complex yo) to plug this obvious gaping hole with how shit works. people rely on a set way. there are things that DO NOT COMPUTE. **LITERALLY**. things you physically cannot explain with math, and the particle theory is the outcome of DOING IT WRONG. such a failed system comprised of thousands of individuals just failing at life, to let what should be an obvious misunderstanding pass through.

the gravitational force that draws all known things in. all things that exist, all particles, IS antimatter. what antimatter is, is NOT a particle. IT DOES NOT EXIST. YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN THE CONCEPT OF NONEXISTENCE WITH MATH. that is the natural attraction. nonexistence IS what's drawing in EXISTENCE. ITS A FORCE YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY MEASURE WITH STUPID LAZORRZ OR PROBABLY ANYTHING. you DONT NEED to measure, to physically witness it it to know its there. it EXISTS THROUGH ITS INEXISTANCE. WHY CANT PEOPLE FIGURE THIS OUT?

anyway, this is how matter is condensed. when it is stuffed inside the hole. and condensed matter is a singularity of atoms. packed so tight that it actually does something science isnt aware of. they lose their shape and individuality and become one solid super-structure. THIS is the fuel of a star. And a star is a condensed matter reactor. Something destabilized this core, something that cannot be rearranged. This destabilization is what fuels the reaction process, being fed by the natural gravitational attraction, what creates ALL KNOWN things in our universe.

Nonexistence was a realm unknown, SHATTERED by a mighty lion. the bravest of heart and bits and pieces of it are scattered througot our known physical realm. Sending nonexistence into existence. Defeated and rearranged.

And the nobel peace prize goes to MEEEEEEE

NecroFile: 1
Science: 0

yall got told