Author: johnny-g  <sdgsdg> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 2/3/2009 11:48:51 AM
Subject: RE: Latest circuit city report:

Typical muppet, blaming the system instead of the idiots who are running out to CC and buying everything off the shelves thinking they're getting a deal. CC manages to get a good deal by the people too stupid to compare prices that go and buy their liquidated prices. Why not fuck people that stupid? That'd be like leaving a plate of cookies out that said "Going Out of Business. 10 dollars for 1 cookie". If you came back to a lot of money, you could then proceed to laugh uncontrollably without feeling an ounce of guilt.

Give it another 3 weeks or so and they'll probably dip down into the 40% deals. By then, anything worth buying will be gone, but you may be able to get a deal on some bigger appliances or electronics. Or you can continue being like muppet and act surprised that they aren't giving it all away.