Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 6/6/2012 2:13:49 PM
Subject: RE: Infernerfs

Graphics and design seem okay to me. The destructilbe dungeon parts are rather silly, but otherwise they do a good job combining 2D with a bit of 3D and getting lots of monsters on screen. I don't have a problem with whatever people were complaining about re: the WoW resemblance. Looks fine to me. The story and dialogue are palpably bad. Richest game company in the world couldn't come up with anything better than "Muahaha, my demon troops are in your basement" / "Silence, fiend! I shall destroy you and your kind!" They saved a few bucks here for sure.