Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 6/15/2012 9:18:37 AM
Subject: RE: Potion cooldowns

yeah potions are done better in PoE
pro tip: recovery rate > instant recovery
craftable magic customizable vials > nurp cooldown

contrary to what you want to believe, blizzard is actually not being edgy and innovative with their health recovery system. its just a balance act between wizards (who cant really use life on hit) and everyone else.
diablo 3 is more of a painted, disposable department store shopping experience than it is an actual game.
as to where PoE is much more solid and valid with a strong currency/item system. crafting and currency in PoE are tied together, is strictly balanced and done right and its fun as fuck. you certainly cannot pay to win.
really, they pretty much nailed everything blizzard failed at on the head. the only real problem with PoE is lack of monster variety and gore.

its funny blizzard even has HC mode. their gameplay is so geared at being a disposable cash romp that they would have to completely re-engineer HC to the point where difficulty basically cannot pass nightmare, which is even worse than what original diablo 2 had to offer.