Author: I Live...AGAIN  <im@yourmoms> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 7/7/2012 9:01:00 AM
Subject: RE: The Witch Doctor is growing on me....

I tried to make some progress in Act 2 solo last night. Cost me about 100k in repairs total. I got up to killing Maghda, but damn. I eventually had to give up on the totally OP multiplying imp packs with endless wall spams and just try to avert them out of the way so I could go around them. I would aggro and run like hell to a corner of the map and just die so they would be out of the way.

I can't help but think I would do better with a ranged class and at least have the opportunity to kite these elites mobs around for a little bit. My only option at this point is standing toe to toe and trying to DPS them down quickly but it's nearly impossible to stay alive for more than 5 seconds, even with 6.5k armor, 550 resist to all and almost 20k DPS. Looking at the AH I rarely see anything that would be more than a minimal upgrade to my gear that doesn't cost more than 30 million gold.....

I'm not really complaining because it is Inferno and it's supposed to be next to impossible. If it wasn't, people would be complaining it's too easy. It keeps me coming back for the challenge actually. In fact, if we had blown through Inferno by now none of us would be playing anymore.