Author: I Live...AGAIN  <im@yourmoms> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 9/9/2012 10:09:19 AM
Subject: Hell on Wheels

Pretty damn good show on AMC if you haven't seen it. I just watched the first season again to catch the episodes I missed. Lightly based upon the building of the transcontinental railroad. Not a documentary, but a tv show.

This is a scene where the main character "Cullen Bohannon" and a small group of men were sent to deal with a small Indian pack that was attacking and de-railing trains in the area. The last scene is significant because one Indian actually was taken into the tent camp and was embracing the western culture and he had to kill his own brother in the tribe.

On a nerdy side note:The main character "Bohannon" looks and dresses like a real-life Caleb. Long coat, dark hat and all. You cant really tell in that scene though. You have to watch the show to know what I mean.