Author: madcows  <fjdsa> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 2/20/2009 12:22:16 PM
Subject: RE: What is wrong with you assholes?

I can't help with your retardation, johnny, but I can try to make myself more clear.

Oh, wait.. I don't think I could have made it any more simple than it was..

Ok.. A larger down payment will mitigate the amount of interest you will pay for the duration of the loan, but considering that most people don't keep their home forever (especially not their first one), this is almost a non-issue. Also, if you have to bite the bullet, and get rid of (or lose) the house, I personally would rather have the bank take as much of loss as possible. Also, the sooner you buy a home (if you are considering one) the sooner you can start paying it off, instead of just spending it on an apartment, stoopid. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with renting, but if you plan on having a house anyways, then this is just common sense. Don't be mad at me because you're too afraid to take the plunge.

FYI this is already my second condo. I sold my first one within two weeks of putting it on the market, which happened to be while the market was tanking (ok, I was pretty lucky) with a loss of around $1k. Not too bad, considering I ended up buying a bigger and better condo for practically the same price as my old one. You don't have to listen to anyone, but if you do, might as well be from someone with some experience.