Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/25/2013 12:21:19 PM
Subject: modded fnv

so far this seems to be the crown jewel of what my modding escapades have led me to

truly fun, havent been this engaged with a video game since... fallout2. it is almost on that level.
the exploration and survival has been greatly fulfilling. im never out-leveled with the game. the rate you aquire weaponry and tech and how it balances with the economy is perfect. the current weaponry i have kicks alot of ass. they do great damage, but i always eventually find something a little better, and they are needed for the SURVIVAL. difficulty is great and also perfectly balanced with the rate you find equipment at. level 25+ is usually the downturn of bethesda games, where things start to fizzle out. this shit is poppin at lvl 26

everything beyond house always wins part 1 is new to me. this includes something like 80% of the undiscovered wasteland. the mods add so many finishing touches. the enhanced visuals add blood spurts from peoples necks in a way that is not overdone. i cant begin to describe how big of a difference this minor subtly makes. my 50cal 'anti material' rifle is pretty awesome at performing headshots. oh and the sound improvement of gunshots is one of the best ive ever heard, would say its thee best but dont want to risk sounding like a viral marketer. really nice stuff going on here.

since im playing this on my desktops 4850 with only 512mb of vram im not running any of the texture packs and also have vanilla textures set on medium... so dont expect much from screenshots
