Author: Beeleh  <weee@ok.wee> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 4/18/2013 12:05:44 PM
Subject: RE: Hey Sim

lol @ mn

@Sim sorry its not a shoe carnival brand

IDK I just let our IT guy put together a wish list for this server, and all the sales guys came over to check this power supply out. When we picked it up the finished system yesterday the builder came over to complement us on our choice of hard drives, and to hand back the 200mm fan saying "boy those drives and that case you don't need anything like this it will run cool as is". Scary. Anyway, we now have 12 terabytes of space in a RAID 5 array to back up the data from our CT scanner for the next few years. Head nerd is now installing a linux os/file server system then we can clog up the network transferring scans of 600 or so mice. Non stop excitement here.

Debating getting a UPS for it now. I mean, we have an independent generator in case of power outages but one can never be too careful now can one?