Author: muppet  < > Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 6/8/2013 7:31:25 PM
Subject: RE: banned from muppets again....

Since you're so interested in my life and what I do, you should already know the answers to those questions. I don't feel entitled. I pay through the fucking nose for my own healthcare, for my daughters', because that's how it is in this country. When my daughter was hospitalized in Boston in January, I burned through $6000 in emergency funds between our insurance deductibles, fuel costs, and other logistics to make sure she was comfortable and not left alone up there. When Molly had mange the first time, we came up with over $10,000, much of it on credit, to take care of her. We asked for some help to try and avoid going into debt, but didn't get it, so we figured it out.

You're a mental case. "Cross posting" between two forums, and going on reddit, my fundraiser site, etc, posting defamatory shit, are not the same thing. The latter can potentially be investigated by federal authorities, in fact. Don't laugh too hard about that, because I'm looking into it. I already reported the libelous statements you made on reddit to UVerse and while I fully expect it to be ignored, it's now on record.

While you laugh and yell "oooooo", keep hoping I don't hire a lawyer in a few months when our funds have recovered.