Author: I Live...AGAIN  <im@yourmoms> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 6/10/2013 1:01:09 PM
Subject: RE: Molly update

I think I've found your problem.

You're going to a guy vet. Guy vets dont know jack shit about animals. They became vets because A)they found out real med school was too hard. Or B)they think they can pickup chicks.
No wonder he is charging you up the ass.

Pro tip: Find a female vet ASAP.
Female vets have compassion for animals that men do not. They would rather go home smelling like piss because they know a guy will lay them anyway. Also, because of their overwhelming passion for animals, she would probably give you a discount if you told her your financial situation. Hell, she would probably do it for free if you told her to just put the dog to sleep. Her compassion for animals wouldn't let her do it.


Guy Vet - doesn't give a shit about animals. Is only being a vet for the money(meaning he doesn't give a shit about your situation, he will charge whatever he can get away with) Lastly, he is pissed off at the world because he is a veterinarian and will take it out on your wallet.

Girl Vet - Loves her job, thinks she can save the world one animal at a time, couldn't live with herself if you had the dog put down because you couldn't afford the treatments.