Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 4/28/2014 6:47:33 AM
Subject: My melee wizard

(simulcast on MBM)

Although the melee wizard model is no longer workable in the higher Torment levels of Diabro 3, it seems to work pretty well in Torment 1. Also, since every elite seems to have vortex, and since the wizard has crap escape skills, I say why not just stand there in the middle of the damage for as long as you can? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition or a fragile little wizard who tanks in the middle of plague pools and arcane beams.

It helps, of course, to have lots of Int and All Resistance. Also, I have traded the hydra for Spectral Blade and Magic Weapon. Owing to various gear changes, I'm no longer gaining big advantages from fire skills, so I'm using Black Hole and Arcane Torrent as my bigger damage spells. It helps to have gear that adds damage to these spells, of course.

This is not to say that I can stand in all that damage indefinitely. I do have to portal out from time to time. But blow for blow, I'm doing more good right now as a counter-intuitive tanky wizard than I did as a fire mage of terroar. Also, it really helps to take along the Templar, not because he's any good at damaging anything but because he mysteriously makes more health globes appear and otherwise does a fair job of keeping you alive.

If you guys could use your barbs, crusaders, and monks as my support staff, we could get some fine work done. (Of course, if you get caught in a bunch of plague pools, lightning storms, and arcane beam farms, I will probably portal to town and shop.)

Also, I have a nice sword that not only does decent damage but also has decent LoH. Also, I have a ring that has about a 35% chance of making enemies bleed profusely when hit with a weapon. Also, both Spectral Blade and Magic Weapon have a shield bubble rune that absorbs damage nicely. These runes seem to do exactly the same thing for some reason, but I don't believe they stack.

The main thing RoS adds to the game is a variety of ways to make lemonade out of lemons. This is why I keep saying that the loot is much better than it seems. Practically every rare drop does at least one or two things of great value, even though the stats don't light up green. So the challenge becomes a matter of mixing and matching correctly, even though your paper stats don't look all that good.

At least, this is the theory.