Author: Atticus  <fdsa> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 1/18/2009 5:31:27 PM
Subject: Re: So I saw My Bloody Valentine 3D

Well, the first few minutes were great. A bomb went off and a plane attacked. The rest of the movie was downhill. I got so tired of the dark, depressing, long-winded face emotive shots and the gloomy, slow-as-molasses PACE. The end resolved and justified much of the film, but I would never see it again. It just sat there, and we talked about it afterward, but the movie was so freaking boring I couldn't stay awake.

I know about the history involved, but the movie lacked DESIGN. It was all slow, boring, shadow sequences, stuffy dialogue by pompous idiots, and nothing worth staying awake for.