Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 8/4/2017 11:47:23 AM
Subject: the chinese police have my information

this is really infuriating

ordered something on ebay, a chinese tablet.
it was boot crashing, so i did the return process and it turned out i had to pay for return shipping and "trust" the chinese seller to reimburse me. even though there almost certainly is no ebay policy protecting me in a situation like this.

so as time dragged on, the conversation eventually turned into her (the chinese seller) telling me that someone was going to basically be starved and lose their job over this. in which i basically responded "you motherfucker, i hope the people overthrow your chinese government" and "there are many people suffering in china and the government does not help them and their own people do not help them"

the way i told her this was quite offensive
im quite sure she reported me to the secret asian sour sauce chinese spray pingpong police.
they literally have some kind of file on me. this is absurd.
as if they don't know how its entirely acceptable in american culture AND fundamental law to not only criticize your government, but you are legally allowed to overthrow them.
see, now we have a problem here. i don't appreciate china keeping records on me, of any sort.
this is bad business.
should chinese sellers be allowed on american ebay?

my ebay account coincidentally got hacked, which is good, i imagine this alleviates some kind of blame on me, but once again, this is entirely absurd. its 100% american business to criticize government.
i also feel there is some kind of price on my head. and that its even possible to buy an american citizen and do whatever you wish with them, if you have the money. as if anyone can do this, regardless of nationality. god this planet is entirely fucked up