Author: Jaime Wolf  <q2b6> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/14/2018 1:03:20 PM
Subject: RE: So I'm gonna build a computer

Right now, you're better off buying a decent prebuilt thanks to bitcoin miners.

Consider this: I bought my 960 gtx about a year and a half ago for 150 bucks, right now they're priced at around 350. The 960 was middle range even then, the 980 which was the best option at the time used to cost about the same as what a 960 is now.

So yes- wait for Nvidia to figure it out, wait for the bitcoin bubble to pop, wait for the new flagship series to come out so the current gen goes down in price and demand... Just don't bother trying to buy a graphics card right now cause you're gonna get burned in one way or another.