Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 4/4/2018 5:02:53 AM
Subject: top secret

well gentlemen, i bet you never thought to see this day.
where necro posting reaches a theoretical limit

yes, im afraid that life really does have some interesting little secrets we all live with every day. the secrets dont end there.
there is a solvable mystery to nature which can be approached in a deconstructive manner, similar to sherlock holmes, though im not sure if you idiots are supposed to know this.

yes our story as humans is a bit comical, though more terrifying

...there is a very rare paranormal aspect of nature
its all i can tell you really
you do have a very small chance to encounter this,
it rarely happens though. maybe only 3 times in history with humans