Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 5/15/2018 3:42:41 PM
Subject: RE: I started reading this book

Mm. I did something and posted before the sentence was finished.

The Menzoberranzan prequel books are rather neato. The original Icewind Dale trilogy is fairly enjoyable pulp. The sequels are not very good, but they spawn interesting characters.

Salvatore is not bad at creating characters. He thinks he's good at action but, sadly, he's like one of those picked-upon nerds in high school who fantasizes about fights in between crying into his pillow and eating lots of Eskimo Pies. He claims that the "realism" of his fight scenes comes from his experiences working as a bouncer, leading one to assume that drunks had no chance against his whirling dances of death. Anyway, I enjoy some of his books. If that makes me tacky, so be it.