Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 8/2/2018 7:23:41 AM
Subject: Yes, Reddit's SMS 2FA was compromised

Who didn't see that coming? Yawn.

If you're going to do 2FA, you need physical keys. Since you should have separate passwords for every account, you need a key ring the size of those big things sheriffs use in Western movies.

Or you could have a single dedicated 2FA device that manages multiple accounts. Since numbers are inconvenient, I propose a biometric solution. Every time you want to do anything, you would hold this device up to your face. Only then would you switch to your phone and hold that up to your face.

Or you could just implant two face things on either side of your head. If you want to open your garage door remotely or see what's in your smartfridge, you would look to the left and activate the appropriate account. Then you would look to the right and get your authentication. Then you could go back to the left and do your business. This would happen every time you needed to do something smart. For added smartness, the device would photograph you every time you did anything and upload the image to the selfie repository of your choice.

This may seem strange at first, but you would get used to making faces and saying things into your facephone like, "Open MyClimateControl" and striking poses before you check on your thermostat. Also, it's secure and fast.

In the old days, you would have to be at home and walk over to your fridge or thermostat and physically look at them. Then you would have to exert yourself by performing some kind of physical action. It was slow, inconvenient, and totally insecure. Anyone in your house could sneak up behind you and see how much mayonnaise you had left.

Once everyone has 2FA face devices, they can tool around in their totally safe self-driving cars, call home to look at their mayonnaise, tell everyone on Twitter what they're doing, and upload amazing facial images all at once.

This is not science fiction. This could happen today. Well, except for the totally safe self-driving cars. And the mayonnaise. Nobody uses mayonnaise anymore. It would be ultra-pure olive oil or something.

Anyway, the age of the Jetsons is here and people are smarter than they've ever been.