Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 8/4/2018 5:50:48 PM
Subject: RE: Coincidence?

quite the useful thing
also perhaps the most useful thing on earth, as it will grow anywhere. even in desert. immensely easy to grow.
its like a damn fountain of nutrition

i mentioned the coco bean as being the most nutritionally dense thing created by a plant and can be eaten with no processing besides maybe heat,
but the sunflower kernel is probably more dense. this one seems to particularly want to feed us, so i would look at its nutritional profile to gain any insight.
high and protein and fat, which is the exact combination you need for survival, and they are naturally the most delicious too. we take the taste for granted because they are so common and freely available, but if you can remember the first time tasting them as a child, your brain knows the wonderful taste. its something totally unique.

now, the sunflower depletes nutrition from the earth very quick,
people who grow them know this.
its not a far stretch of imagination for someone to figure the best particular way to feed them, which would literally be corpses.

this is what should happen to the dead,
we need to literally feed them to the sunflower god