Author: johnny-g  <asd> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 11/15/2018 8:10:44 AM
Subject: RE: You have failed me again

Pickles are great, it's true. One of my favorite sandwich and burger toppings. Aside from the great debate of bread & butter vs dill, I've never quite gotten over the cost aspect. A cucumber costs roughly 50 cents give or take. Now take said cucumber and place it into a jar of brine for a week. Congratulations! You can now charge $3.99 for that pickled cucumber!

It makes no sense. I can see Mt. Olive wants to break this trend but I can't imagine the death threats they'd get from Vlasic if they were to lower their price any more. I occasionally wonder why more people don't just buy 5lbs of cucumbers, pickle them, then sell them at the closest farmers market and use their profits to fund a small start up. In fact, now that I think of it I don't believe I've ever seen pickles sold at any farmer's market. This must go fairly deep.

Anyways, as I was trying to say - bread & butter should be reserved for sandwiches whereas dill should be reserved for burgers. Try anything else and I'll literally kill you.