Author: Simularcum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 2/21/2019 8:19:15 AM
Subject: RE: Oh wait... I think I get it now...

I never figured out how to classify Necro's outbursts. Aphorisms? Dicta? They're not quite proverbs because they sometimes contain lengthy explanations. The virtue of a proverb is that it doesn't explain itself. Also, some of his things are long screeds about the activities of bugs and the like. These come closer to Montaignean essays or meditations in the jittery Senecan style of Thomas Browne or Robert Burton (see, e.g., Hydriotaphia: Urn Burial or Anatomy of Melancholy. Yet we are also familiar with his nervous little staccato bon mots. It's all quite impossible to categorize. I would grieve for the loss of all this knowledge, but Necro is a ready source of more Necroisms.