Author: Tobey  < > Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/14/2019 2:48:43 PM
Subject: Finished reading The Demolished Man

by Alfred Bester. It isn't a bad book, once the plot gets Rolling, but I thought the writing was a bit dry, like what you'd expect in a 1950s science fiction novel. An example of the kind of colorful science fiction I like more is Radix by A.A.Attanasion, which I also recently read. This is some pretty weird science fiction, that left me with the feeling that there's some good stuff in it I didn't understand. In fact I think I'll read the first sequel, In Other Worlds next. I'm also planning to read Bester's other famous book, The Stars My Destination. At least that would make me feel entitled to criticize it.