Author: Simularcum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 4/5/2019 2:41:19 PM
Subject: RE: I've also been playing the original Diablo

D3 ultimately is about synergy. People fault it for being a gear-check game, but I love the logistics of combining armor, jewelry, gems, and weapons to produce powerful effects. In some Diablo clones, armor sets confer helpful bonuses. In D3, the sets are usually much better than legendary items -- so much so that they're considered essential for completing rifts higher than Torment 10. However, you can combine certain legendaries with the set bonuses for effects that will let you produce quite a lot more damage, attack speed, and survivability. If you start doing "greater" rifts, the game becomes a test bed for how far certain combinations will take you. I don't know what the max rift level is (150?) or if there is such a thing. At about level 95 and above, you need to be extremely well-outfitted. Just getting near monsters without having a lot of armor can be potentially fatal. Their thorns damage alone is enough to kill you if you aren't dressed for success -- and if you don't have a lot of paragon points.