Author: Simularcum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 10/7/2019 11:09:38 AM
Subject: RE: Captain's log: orange peeling issue

When you're a total novice like me, you listen to all kinds of bad advice, especially if you're trying to save money. A perfect example is a near-universal endorsement of what used to be called Future floor polish, which was acquired by Pledge and went through several formula changes. For some time, these changes disappointed old-school modelers who had previously sworn by Future as the ideal low-cost gloss clear coat. I thought this was strange, since it wasn't made for models at all. It was a floor polish. But it seemed to have everyone's approval.

Recently, Pledge came out with Revive It, which seems to be the closest thing yet to the original Future. You may guess that this precipitated much celebration among the geezers. They got all starry-eyed and fluttery over the return of their go-to clear coat. You would think someone had found a genuine saintly relic.

Well, I bought some of this stuff and learned all I could about how to apply it. Then I set about using it on the aforementioned Shelby Mustang. What the mummies forgot to mention in amid all the pulse-racing and rejoicing was that this stuff will clog the ever-loving sheeyat out of your airbrush. By "clog" I mean it will harden up so badly that the needle won't retract, causing triggers on gravity-fed brushes to dangle loosely and make you think that you've destroyed your expensive instrument.

I can't imagine why this wonder liquid would do such a thing, unless it's because Pledge is not a gloss for models and airbrushes. It's a floor polish.

My policy going forward will be to use products specifically formulated for their purpose. Not only that. I do not believe I will mix brands. If I start with Vallejo primer and base color, I will end with Vallejo varnish. Finally, I will be extremely suspicious of cheap solutions, home remedies, floor polishes, and other urban myths.