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Date: 9/15/2020 9:12:31 PM
Subject: RE: zoot suits..

yes i understand how the suits were made, its simple clothing of the period, i know this.
however you are not understanding the colors and designs used. it got pretty wild.
keep in mind this was before the nigger pimp shit. this was ground zero clown world.

the hats of the zoot suits were elongated too. its a bit more complex than you make it out to be. again, you are downplaying it.
you dont fully understand the moment and the mindset, perhaps because you simply do not bother in thinking about it. but all of this was crazy fresh and very radical departure from literally centuries of conformity. more radical than anything from the 20s which were sort of a buildup to this.
but to really understand the mindset, the "freshness" of the moment...
its why i assert on how this history is something like lost or not covered well. its something significant with little coverage.
also, the smithsonian payed 60 thousand dollars for an authentic suit, so that alone is at least some indicator to the value of such history..
again you are downplaying it for some reason