Author: johnny-g  <asd> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 9/25/2020 12:12:12 PM
Subject: RE: Microsoft buys Zenimax?

th4t1guy isn't wrong but you also have to consider the state of AAA games without a subscription in our present state. They all tend to blow ass, or still release early and full of bugs. The one developer that seems to be the exception is CD Projekt Red. But dissecting it a bit more, I think MS is very much still interested in quality control to combat this. Case in point, the new Xbox launches in 2 months and their ONLY flagship exclusive was going to be Halo Infinite. They demoed some of the gameplay and the public pretty much picked it apart as looking like an unfinished game, and 2 weeks later MS announced that the release was being held back until sometime in 2021 as TBD.

The gravity of that deserves some praise as launching a new console up against Sony's PS5 launch without your #1 system selling game is fucking insane. It definitely demonstrates that they're trying to adopt the Nintendo philosophy of, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad".

Oh, and look at Steam at any given week and tell me there isn't already a huge amount of shovel ware garbage being rushed out to the public. GamePass at least lets you demo the garbage then immediately uninstall if it's terrible. In that same vein, the major advantage is it also lets you find some gems you may have otherwise skipped over. I can honestly say I would have never touched A Plague's Tale without it, and probably would have missed out on a short but fun experience otherwise.