Author: Jaime Wolf  <q2b6> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/20/2021 3:10:21 AM
Subject: RE: mn

One of the biggest Squeenix memes is that every single Final Fantasy PC port sucks in some way or another. Ports for Squeenix published games by their third party developers are more of a crapshoot though. Automata, Kane and Lynch 2 (oh god) and Mankind Divided immediately come to mind on the crap side, while the Just Cause series and the Tomb Raider reboot games were all pretty well ported and subsequently supported.

Painkiller's a cool game with all the weirdo guns it has, and if you can get past the dumb humor, Bulletstorm's also good for a laugh or two.

For all the enemy fine tuning that a game like Eternal received for its different difficulty modes, your typical Borderlands looter shooter difficulty curve is just applying a lazy global multiplier on both damage input and output values, to the point where the same guy will be a pushover on easy, and be a complete brick shithouse that can both kill you in one shot and take hundreds of headshots to kill on hardest.

I can take that sort of system just fine on an ARPG, but the same thing bolted on to an FPS just makes all the guns feel really weak and jarring to use when you're underleveled.

KF and KF2 may have artificial gatekeeping with the leveling system, but you can absolutely beat the majority of the open-ish maps solo at level 0~1 on hell on earth if you try hard enough (and play sharpshooter). KF not so much, though KF2 is way more lenient. You'll probably get instantly nuked by Pat, but who cares?