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Date: 4/6/2021 9:35:07 AM

final fantasy 13 is gud too. i never thought much of this game, but it turns out most of it is exactly what i want in an rpg.

what the fuck is up with the black guy. its literally the most racist thing ever put inside of a video game, i cannot believe how they did this. its fucking hilarious.
how they got away with this and how nobody questions them is the most impressive part.
nobody has ever put such blatant racism in a mainstream media before. i cant think of anything comparable to this.

everything about this nigger is stupid on every possible level. they literally just threw in a black colored clown into the show and made it work.
his facial expressions are the dumbest fucking shit ever. its designed so you can hate niggers. you want to hate black people. they even made it so you know what scenes to skip and which ones to watch by how much focus or attention is placed on the nigger.

it really is the most racist thing ive ever seen put inside a video game