Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 6/24/2021 7:20:23 AM
Subject: Borderlands 3

When this game came out, it was fashionable not to like the writing or the characters. I can see that. The game takes itself a little too seriously, and too much time is wasted trying to make sirens into strong, commanding women types. This latter tendency is especially irksome because it's not in the nature of Borderlands to promote this kind of thing, and the voice acting for characters like Lilith, Maya, and Lorelei is terrible because they try to sound masculine and in charge, patting each other on the back for being badasses (this word, "badass," is slung around entirely too often during these mutual admiration sessions).

However, the big objection reviewers had was about the Calypso twins, especially Tyreen. They found her cringey and grating, not funny at all. I don't know about that. She has some funny lines, but she's not really supposed to be comical. She's probably the first seriously unnerving villain in the Borderlands series. Gearbox gave her a facade of fun and games but offered glimpses of her true malice and lethality when they did close-ups during cutscenes. They eyes -- they nailed the eyes. Not funny at all.

Anyhow, the game has excellent combat and really interesting guns, as you would expect. I got a machine gun the other day called "Boo+." It's a good smg with electrical damage, but when you reload it, it leaps out of your hand and hunts down enemies. It sprouts legs and runs toward them. If it doesn't land on the ground, it attaches to a nearby wall and becomes a turret. In its running mode, it will fire until its clip is empty, then it will become a bomb and search for an enemy to pounce on.

It also talks.

I have other weapons that do weird things like this. Such fun.

BL3 is a solid purchase on sale and a little less so at MSRP. You should get it during the next Steam pseudo-sale.