Author: dot  <dot> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/24/2022 1:05:57 AM
Subject: RE: Farm update much work to be done

but if you want to get an overall idea of where the project is heading, first visit the link i gave you.
then when you see some of my other mods at the bottom of that page, check out the one for "reduced ammunitions spawns"
this will give a rough preliminary of the overall projuct.
but im thinking of going full gung-ho with with that HUGE empty worldspace on the entire west-half of the map.
the devs really must have been strapped for time to leave something like this.
but anyway, between the time it takes work on the overall game mechanics project and the time it will take to design this landscape, is going to be a while.

just with the mechanics project alone, is something.
part of that will be introducing high level enemies into the mix.
and i am surely doing everything proper. nobody even knows that the hell they are doing here. its like all the mods suck on purpose to protect the bethesda intellectual properly by preventing competition from higher standards introduced by other modders