Author: dot  <dot> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 8/2/2022 1:22:08 AM
Subject: RE: pixel 6 woah

this is some kind of alphabet flim flammery

they dont want people purchasing this device for some reason. probably because since it actually is a real custom SoC and not just a qualcom clone which is another strange thing these reviewers keep claiming it is,
it probably has a more limited fabrication run due to this custom nature.. probably cannot be produced in such high volume.

these two reasons are why i believe the bs meter is off the charts with this device. the benchmarks being on par with other systems with only a single X1 and the popular opinion that this custom google SoC is just a slightly modified qualcomm. when in fact its a unique dual core config but also has an additional ML capabilites.
gentlemen this archicture is entirely unique

would not be surpised if it were actually faster than latest apple crap which would also account for some of the bs