Author: Dell  <.> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 4/27/2023 1:05:34 PM
Subject: RE: Horizon Zero Dawn ruins you

I really liked Human Revolution. Even though the development team made a lot of changes from the first game's formula, they still did a great job at making a game that felt right for the series. I don't know if you've ever played the Director's Cut, but the DC includes (refreshingly honest) commentary from the devs about the things they think they got right but also the things they know they got wrong or had to rescope. Their love and respect for DX1 really comes through.

Mankind Divided has some really great parts, but (imo) they don't come together as a whole. A lot of that is because a lot of important exposition isn't even in the fucking game -- it's in ancillary novels or shitty phone apps nobody cares about, and so the player is dropped into a world and a scenario with a new supporting cast they're just supposed to know. This is a terrible trend and I hope whoever thought it was a good idea to spread plot across different media stubs their little toe every morning.

That said, there is a super-complicated backstory in MD about the Illuminati, Janus, Adam, and Bob Page that is hinted about in hacked logs and other secrets you can find. It doesn't pay off in MD because the game is only half of the story, but it sounds like Eidos-Montréal might be working on the series again,* and if they can finish the plot, it'll be one for the ages. Definitely working keeping your eye out for that background stuff as you go through MD.

Minor vague spoiler: About 2/3 of the way through the game you'll get a choice to do one of two major quests. One of them is to break into a bank. I really recommend doing that one, because the secrets you can uncover hint toward a fucking incredible plot twist.

Incidentally, if you haven't played Arkane's Prey, I really recommend it. It's the best "immersive sim" I've played in ages.
