Author: johnny-g  <sdgdsgs> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 5/21/2009 3:39:36 PM
Subject: RE: You guys boar me.

There's no shame in love songs. When I came home late after my work Christmas party, I woke up my girlfriend by cranking up my subwoofer, jamming Wind of Change by The Scorpions, and singing along to it.

It's not technically a love song, because I'd be far too ashamed to ever make one of those, but the point is I was screaming Scorpion lyrics in the middle of the night by myself... and I was fully aware of how gay it was when I was doing it. You see, sometimes... just sometimes... the awesome outweighs the gay in things like this.