Author: NecroFile  <...> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 11/11/2009 3:31:48 PM
Subject: RE: smells like gay in here...

dont even get me started on that.

the fucking pc version looks like a chinatown bootleg.
black plastic typical dvd movie cover with an insert that looks like it was printed on toilet paper. srsly, WTF. how does this shit happen? did the boss of infinity ward start abusing meth and turn over his company to the jewish money-anal mafia?

fuck ya, and i just set my comp in DMZ with 'enable wan ping response' and i still get the STRICT NAT status in-game. and im not running any software firewalls.

i just love waiting 80+seconds per game countdown, srsly OVER A MINUTE OF WAITING IN A CHATLESS LOBBY. i especially love it when TDM matches are only 6 FUCKING MINUTES LONG.

so its:
1.) get matchmade into game (no way to tell who's hosting or what ping you will have with them)
2.) wait 80 seconds doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - no chat at all
3.)game starts - your ping is absolutely horrible. BEYOND SHIT
4.) repeat the process of waiting in game lobby doing absolutely nothing. hey, this would be a perfect moment to watch commercials about friendly products i would potentially be interested in.
5.) find game with ping thats < 200ms (less than 200ms is a gift from god in this game)
6.) game only lasts for 6 mins.
7.) host drops after game
8.) repeat all steps again