Author: jerk  < > Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 12/10/2023 4:45:16 AM
Subject: I tried

I've long thought half life was an overrated game, that at best evolved some aspects of the genre (don't ask me what they are). I never could finish it. Too bland and boring. Given it's recent press due to it's 25th anniversary or something, I decided to pick up a whole bunch of the HL games in a sale. I've only ever played the first game. So I started with that one again, and it turns out, it's even worse than I remembered. It must be so unmemorable because pretty much every map was completely unfamiliar to me. But that's not even the worst part, and neither are the totally uninteresting enemies. No, the worst part is some obnoxious platforming and that valve like to beat a dead horse with unfun and janky parts like the stupid rail section that goes on far too long. Once again, I couldn't finish the game which is really saying something because I have a high tolerance for boredom.

Decided to give the 2nd game a try. It didn't take long before I found myself cringing to death. OH WOW LOOK EVERYONE! A REAL MIT GRAD! THIS IS THE GREATEST HONOR IN THE WORLD! YOU DONT TALK MUCH DO YOU LOL! Ok, so I didn't know until then that gordon, the mute scientist who thus doesn't play too well with others and whose job was to climb a ladder to get to a terminal for some reason before manually pushing a shopping cart with some sample into some energy beam, was an mit grad. Well, I guess someone's got to be at the bottom of any given class. Soon after learning that, I got to play Airboat-Life 2. Vehicles with janky controls have always been the highlight of FPSs, right? Anyway, that goes on for too long, so I guess valve didn't learn any lessons in fun since they released the first game. Luckily that ends, but it's not long before you have to play dunebuggy-life 2 instead. FFS this game is getting on my nerves. Whatever. I dealt with it. Finally, I'm on foot again like a proper hobo. Come up to some fag crying over his dead BF saying some shit like "HE WAS THE GREATEST MIND OF A GENERATION!". Goddamn, valve employees are so gay. I like how all the GREATEST MINDS are foot soldiers in some rebellion. What I don't like is that this particular dude didn't recognize me, Gordon Freeman. I mean, he *must* have heard about me before. That said, it's not as unplayable as the first game, and I might even finish it eventually. It would be improved if everyone else was mute as well. That would REALLY suspend my disbelief and make me feel like I'm actually GORDEON GODDAMN FREEBIRD