Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 2/24/2024 9:59:30 AM
Subject: RE: Last Epoch

It would be an okay ARPG if co-op worked, but it doesn't. You can get a single character online, but transitioning to another area is painfully slow. If you transition in co-op, you have to wait forever forever. If you get to the next area, the game loses its mind. Chat stops working. Players get out of sync. It's a mess.

Fortunately, the game has an offline mode. I'm playing a rogue, and the experience is bog standard at best. The developers bring nothing new to the class. You can specialize as a melee, ranged, or trap/pet character. Wow. Revolutionary.

The combat is repetitive and clunky. The controls take a while to get used to. You don't click on your targets. You point at them and hope your damage makes contact. It's reminiscent of the system in V Rising, except in V Rising it actually works because the enemy count is more thoughtfully placed/spawned. In V Rising, you can also see your mouse cursor. Last Epoch innovates by making your cursor disappear amid all the jumble and particle effects.

So far, the combat skills are pretty crappy. In the case of the rogue, there's lots of overlap in terms of what they do. You might as well just pick one and forget the others.

I could go on about the map layouts and other things, but I'll just say that if Eleventh Hour fixes their server problems, Last Epoch will be an adequate ARPG at best, maybe more functional than Wolcen but no better than Grim Dawn. Six months from now, it will be forgotten except by its most ardent devotees.

Crappy as the loot system is in Diablo 4, it's still the best new ARPG available. Even Blizzard's B-team soccer moms managed to make a more engaging, fast, and visceral experience than Last Epoch. If you're thinking of buying it, wait at least a couple of months and/or see if it goes on sale.