Author: Simulacrum  <nub> Use this link if you want to link to this message and its entire thread of discussion. Post a Msg
Date: 3/27/2024 10:01:13 AM
Subject: RE: PSA 2: Horizon Forbidden West on PC

mn, the only things I know about DD2 are what I see on Youtube. I confess to being a slavish fan of Asmongold, Penguinz0, and FightinCowboy, whose playthroughs of DD2 have been interesting. Asmon and Cowboy love it. Charlie (Penguinz0, MoistCr1tikal) couldn't get it to run.

I love nearly all open-world games, this one seems to be full of curiosities and abandons most of the handholding you see in other titles. The pawns seem pretty useful. I can't tell whether they're more competent than Skyrim companions, but they appear to be.

I don't care about the fuss over microtransactions. All Capcom games are riddled with them. You would think people would have known that going in. I don't know what they were thinking with the omission of a New Game option. I suppose it's some kinky Japanese business pertaining to immersion.

I'm neither here nor there about playing it. I may eventually when it goes on sale. Forbidden West, though, that was a different matter. Aloy is my sweetheart, so HFW was a done deal for me back when they announced the port.